Monday, 25. May 2009

Monday 25th May, 2009

It is bedtime but mum has let me draw a picture, because she promised to let me earlier and a promise may not be broken.

We got back from England on Saturday after a 4 day stay with nanny. Liina was also there to look after me, in case I ran away and nanny couldn't catch me! I am pretty fast. Mummy was working in London, making a film. Daddy was away teaching in Stans.

Nanny and Liina took me to an IMAX film about sea life and there were lots of fish and sharks and whales rushing all over the place and eating each other in front of my goggles. It was a bit scary at first but I got used to it.

We went to the South Bank for a kids activity event but we were a bit early and the event hadn't really started. There was only clay modelling and I didn't want to do that as there were too many children there. The day before we went to the transport museum which was great as you could climb up in the carriages, and we saw the musicians in Covent Garden but I thought they were a bit boring.

It was difficult to get to sleep at nanny's so sometimes I crept downstairs right after they put me to bed. Nanny caught me once and asked me why I was out of bed. I said "I had a nightmare about monsters". She said, "That's not possible as you only just went to bed". I said, "Well it was a day dream with monsters in it!"

I have two wobbly teeth. Five of Romain's teeth have already dropped out

Yesterday we went to the Papillorama but it was 30 degrees outside and even hotter inside so we nearly melted. The animals seemed to like it hot. Or maybe they liked the fact that there was no one there as they were all walking about quite quickly and normally they hide.

the life of darwin

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