Monday 20th July, 2009
My first tooth came out. Mum said that if I put it under my pillow the tooth fairy would come and give me money. But then I lost it again. Mum's friend Carla was visiting and she said her boy, David, also had a fallen out tooth that he lost but that they wrote a letter to the tooth fairy explaining how they lost it and the tooth fairy still gave him money. My mum said that in Switzerland they are stricter. It's not enough to write a letter because they need the actual tooth for their collections. So I looked for it again and found it. And the tooth fairy came and gave me a whole big five francs, which I am now saving to buy a skateboard.
Mummy asked me if I had seen the tooth fairy. I said "yes" and she asked me what it looked like. I said it had a white hat and looked like Bon Jovi. It also carried two guitarres. She asked, "Was it playing 'Living on a Prayer'", which is a Bon Jovi hit, and I said yes. And we all laughed a lot.
I mentioned earlier that Carla came to stay for the weekend with her husband Jonathan, little David - 6- and Rafael, who is also five. We had a treasure hunt on Saturday, which took us all around the house, then we went to the butterfly sanctuary. On Sunday we went to Avenches Plage for breakfast and played on the beach. David and me did naughty climbing things. He climbed the scaffolding around the house, and together we climbed into the loft, even after we were told not to. The parents weren't too chuffed about that. David is cool but we get shouted at a lot when we play together. Rafael cried and said I pulled his hair. David said I did not pull his hair. Mummy will never know the truth.
The visit ended with Rafael coming out in spots all over and having to go to the doctor. It was some kind of pox but not harmful. I did not get those spots.
Recently mum and me went to Scotland to see the Loch Ness monster and visit some old University friends - Olly, Reiko and their children, Max, Alex and Rachie. Then there was Mark and Dom, Ryan, and his sisters and Barry and his boy Harry and John and Valerie and their children Thomas Henry and Genna. We stayed in a big house like a castle. The other kids were older than me but they were quite nice to me anyway, especially Gena and Alex and Thomas Henry.
Mum and I shared a bed and she said she couldn't sleep because I kept climbing on top of her.
We went to the beach and to the Loch Ness museum and to a great castle with lots of walls to scale. And we went in a gorge where they filmed Harry Potter and dropped big stones into the void and they made a big echoing splashy noise when they smacked the water. We pretended we had seen the loch ness monster but we didn't really.
After that we flew back to London and stayed with nanny and Ben. We went to the natural history museum and saw loads of dinosaurs and bugs. Uncle Steve and Carla arrived from Canada and we visited nanny Bance in London and went to lunch with her. The next day we went to the Science Museum and saw the Wallace and Grommit exhibition. We had some ideas for new inventions. Mum's was a relaxing bed that gives you massages and lets out relaxing aromas. Mine was for a rock throwing robot. We put our ideas in for a competition!
We also went to watch an IMAX 3D film about ancient monsters under the sea, which came up to you and nearly bit your head off. That was really good. But I don't much like wearing those silly glasses.
Nanny is very nice and sweet. She went to a big effort ton get me an HRH armed forces soldier like an action man but then I left it in Scotland. Mummy is trying to get it back. Ben is great because he plays with me a lot and doesn't mind if I drag him around and boss him around. Steve and Carla are also good fun. I would like to go and visit them in Canada and see the bears. Steve gave me a compas, which I wear on my belt and use all the time.
Mummy asked me if I had seen the tooth fairy. I said "yes" and she asked me what it looked like. I said it had a white hat and looked like Bon Jovi. It also carried two guitarres. She asked, "Was it playing 'Living on a Prayer'", which is a Bon Jovi hit, and I said yes. And we all laughed a lot.
I mentioned earlier that Carla came to stay for the weekend with her husband Jonathan, little David - 6- and Rafael, who is also five. We had a treasure hunt on Saturday, which took us all around the house, then we went to the butterfly sanctuary. On Sunday we went to Avenches Plage for breakfast and played on the beach. David and me did naughty climbing things. He climbed the scaffolding around the house, and together we climbed into the loft, even after we were told not to. The parents weren't too chuffed about that. David is cool but we get shouted at a lot when we play together. Rafael cried and said I pulled his hair. David said I did not pull his hair. Mummy will never know the truth.
The visit ended with Rafael coming out in spots all over and having to go to the doctor. It was some kind of pox but not harmful. I did not get those spots.
Recently mum and me went to Scotland to see the Loch Ness monster and visit some old University friends - Olly, Reiko and their children, Max, Alex and Rachie. Then there was Mark and Dom, Ryan, and his sisters and Barry and his boy Harry and John and Valerie and their children Thomas Henry and Genna. We stayed in a big house like a castle. The other kids were older than me but they were quite nice to me anyway, especially Gena and Alex and Thomas Henry.
Mum and I shared a bed and she said she couldn't sleep because I kept climbing on top of her.
We went to the beach and to the Loch Ness museum and to a great castle with lots of walls to scale. And we went in a gorge where they filmed Harry Potter and dropped big stones into the void and they made a big echoing splashy noise when they smacked the water. We pretended we had seen the loch ness monster but we didn't really.
After that we flew back to London and stayed with nanny and Ben. We went to the natural history museum and saw loads of dinosaurs and bugs. Uncle Steve and Carla arrived from Canada and we visited nanny Bance in London and went to lunch with her. The next day we went to the Science Museum and saw the Wallace and Grommit exhibition. We had some ideas for new inventions. Mum's was a relaxing bed that gives you massages and lets out relaxing aromas. Mine was for a rock throwing robot. We put our ideas in for a competition!
We also went to watch an IMAX 3D film about ancient monsters under the sea, which came up to you and nearly bit your head off. That was really good. But I don't much like wearing those silly glasses.
Nanny is very nice and sweet. She went to a big effort ton get me an HRH armed forces soldier like an action man but then I left it in Scotland. Mummy is trying to get it back. Ben is great because he plays with me a lot and doesn't mind if I drag him around and boss him around. Steve and Carla are also good fun. I would like to go and visit them in Canada and see the bears. Steve gave me a compas, which I wear on my belt and use all the time.
darwin - 20. Jul, 22:09