Monday, 12. April 2010

Monday April 12th, 2010

The big news is that while I was at the gym, I accidentally banged Simon on the head and my wobbly front tooth fell out (on the left if you're facing me) so now I have a big gap. Simon was not hurt but I was. Mum wrapped my tooth up like a parcel with a little ribbon and put it under my pillow and I was trying to work out how a little tiny fairy could lift the big pillow with my heavy head on it if she is so small. Mum says she has special fairy powers. I am hoping for 5 francs and have toys in mind for that money!

Mummy has made me a picture of a dinosaur and I am going to show it at school tomorrow.

Yesterday we went for a long nature walk and found a giant dead fish on the beach, which I poked with a stick and pushed back out into the lake of Murten. Mum thinks it was a hecht.

Last weekend we went to England and stayed with nanny, which is always great. She very kindly gave me a new parachuting soldier, which I throw up in the air and he floats down all on his own. He is smartly dressed in a blue uniform with a red stripe. Mummy also gave me a very cool Ben Ten t-shirt, which I wear all the time. It was Easter and the Easter bunny came. He gave me a Star Wars and a Ben Ten easter egg. Mega cool.

Got to see nanny Flood, who was nice and laughed a lot, and Joy and Rob, my uncle and aunty. Went for spag bol - YUM - and a walk near the river where there were lots of barges and two play parks and me and Joy and mummy played hide and seek in a maze but Joy and mummy could not find me as I hid under the bushes.

Ben and I made sweet music together. I played the accordion and he played the guitarre. But mum took the accordian off me when all the buttons got stuck in on one side and she had to fish them out again. On good Friday mum and nanny went to a spa and me and dad went to the London Aquarium which was cool, but we had to queue up a lot. I saw a real huge shark with lots of sharp teeth.

Marina was still away in Croatia on Tuesday and Wednesday so first daddy then mummy stayed home to look after me. Dad played with me in the garden then we went for a bike ride in Murten. Mum took me and Yannick swimming. Me and Yannick kept boinging mummy on the head with a giant beach ball we found. It was brilliant.

the life of darwin

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