Sunday, 12. September 2010

September 12, 2010

Had a great day today. Met up with Alexander, David and Rafael and their mums and dads at Yverdon plage, had lunch, played on the swings, caught a frog, climbed on some neolithic stones, and found a huge branch which we took it in turns to sit on while the other kids carried us. I found the branch with Rafael and we composed a marching song while we were carrying it. I did the words and he did the tune.

Later we said goodbye and came home to Dompierre and did my swimming lesson. I told mum I didn't want to go but on the way to Avenches I had to admit that I enjoy those lessons a lot and never want them to stop. I am now in the frogs class, which is more advanced than the class I was in before the summer holidays, but I didn't really notice any difference.

I have now started primary school (end of August). My new teachers are called Rachel and Maud and I particularly like Maud. Rachel is more strict. Mum and dad came to meet my teachers last Friday. They were a bit disappointed that I was in the slightly naughty category on the behaviour chart (but I will be back in the good bit by Monday so nothing to get too excited about. Daddy says I will get a present if I can stay in the extra good section for a week. No problem).

Mum and dad were also disappointed that I hadn't filled in much of the exercise book I am supposed to work on in the breaks between other things. But thjere's no hurry - we have all term. So what if other kids have filled all theirs in already! I can do it easily in a few minutes if I just knuckle down to it. The teacher told mummy I was a bit of a dreamer and took a while to get around to things but she knew that already.

The canton has cancelled my weekly French lessons even though the teacher commented on my weekly report that I had to make more effort with the French!

Despite all this, we have a nice classroom and I like my school mates. We all get on really well. I like school a lot. We have a stuffed owl and a squirrel in the class, on loan from a museum.

Apart from school I also go to judo lessons on Tuesday - mummy thinks I am quite good at it and is pleased because I listen to the teacher more and try to do what he says. I went to the choir this week that Yannick goes to but I didn't like that much and am terrified of performing before an audience so I'm going to drop that. But Yannick and I will go to scouts. It's every other Saturday. I might also go to the Wednesday afternoons nature adventure in Murten that Maud, my classmate, goes to.

The summer was great. We went to England and stayed in Charlestown where smugglers used to hide their smuggled goods in caves. There was a great shipwreck museum there and a nice beach and I played with the girl next door to our cottage called Fiona. Nanny came on holiday with us. She is lovely. We shared a room. She didn't hear when I fell out of bed..she was so fast asleep.

We visited the Eden project, the lost gardens of Halligan, Mevagissey, Fowey, Polruan and another beach near Charlestown. We looked for crabs and built sand castles and once, in Polruan, we saw a seagull take an ice cream out of a woman's hand. She was a bit surprised! We ate cornish pasties while sitting on benches and looking out to sea.

I was at home with mummy for one week and we met Maggy and Alex in Basel and went to the natural history museum. We also went to the swimming pool and the lake.

Our au pair from Croatia, Marina, left while we were on holiday in Ticino. We stayed in the Rekka village in Albernago near Lugano for a week. There was a big outside heated pool and I made friends with Cyril and Rayon and their sister and we hung out together. We made some good stuff in the bricolage classes every morning - I made a stone necklace and a birdbox (now on our tree near the sandpit and swings in our garden).

We also visited Bellinzona's three castles and went out for a few evening meals. On Wednesday I went with daddy and the other Rekka village people on a boat trip and a walk. At the Rekka village they also had ping pong and table football, crazy golf (I got good at this) and a trampoline. Mummy had to work from Monday to Thursday but spent Sunday and Friday and the evenings with us.

When we got back from holiday I had a week with daddy and played a lot with Yannick and swam with him and Nicola in Yannick's pool. Then a new au pair arrived - Angela from Moldova. We get on fine. I have had lots of au pairs now: from China, Canada, USA, Romania, Poland, Estonia, Slovak state and now Moldova (although she lives in Romania). I also had two different Portuguese child minders for a while.

Last weekend we went to the Seilpark in Bern for my friend Anglie's birthday treat and I hurt my leg badly because I was whizzing around too fast. Then on Sunday we went to Porrentruy and saw the biggest collection of dynosaur tracks in the world, at a place where they are going to build the A61 motorway. Next year the tracks will all be covered with road. There were more than 2000 different tracks - some really big footsteps (Herbivores) and some small ones made by the raptors. It was brilliant. I watched the movie Kangaroo Joe on the way there (2.5 hours) and The Pink Panther with Steve Martin on the way back. I still think it's really funny even though I've seen it loads of times. I told my teacher at Kindergarten (Vera Nicolet) that I wanted to be Inspector Cleusot when I grow up.

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