Sunday, 23. January 2011

January 23rd, 2011

Dear me, Mr Blog, it has been a while! So much has happened. I had to go to see a school psychologist - it was Vera's idea. She was my Kindergarten teacher. Vera thought I was like her son: gifted, disorganised. Her son also got depressed and she didn't want that to happen to me.

So I saw Nicolas Ducré about 5 times (and missed loads of school) and he made me do lots of tests - hard ones and boring ones. Then in the end we had a meeting with mum, dad, Chloé and Rachel (my primary school teachers) and he told us all that I had an IQ of 130 and that, in all the tests I did, I came out as a child with 'haute potential', which means 'gifted' in English.

Nicolas asked what the teachers were going to do about it and they said, more or less, nothing as they did not have time to spend with individual kids' problems. Despite this, things did change. They made me do some of the exercises with a timer, so I had to do them quicker than the other children in the class, and they said that I did the exercises better like that. I got better reports. I felt better.

When mum said I had to go and see Nicolas I thought it was because I was stupid, but now I know it was the opposite.
Still , my friend Quentin is better at maths. Yannick always gets good grades in everything. It's just that in some subjects, like the human body, geography...stuff like that, I am better than the others. But this is also partly because mum and dad explain a lot of things to me. I spend more time with adults than children who have lots of brothers and sisters. We go to museums, travel to different countries, visit ancient ruins etc. Fanny told me she had never been in a plane. I know I am lucky in this way.

On December 16th we went to England. We wanted to visit nanny Flood, Uncle Robert and Aunty Joy on Saturday and we hired a car especially, but it snowed a lot and all the cars were having accidents, so we didn't go. I was very sad about this as nanny Flood then died on New Year's Day and I never saw her again. She was nice to me and laughed a lot. Daddy was very sad.

We had a great Christmas. First nanny Barbara came over. This year noone had to go to hospital. (Last year dad had to go to the emergency ward as mum thought he was getting pneumonia!). On the 26th nan went home and we went to visit Ol and Tim Clissold, who were staying at Tim and Lorraine's flat in Flane. Mum went to University with Ol.

We went skiing with them and mum's old friends Simon and Joy (also Uni friends of mum's) and their children Oscar and Sonia. So it was a fun time. There were lots of pistes but the weather was bad and sometimes we could only see to the end of our skiis through the fog. I played with Alex and Max and Rachie, Ol's children. We played Pictionary and with my Nintendo.

Father Christmas gave me the Nintendo and there are lots of funny things you can do with it, apart from playing Super Mario. You can morph photos and make strange monster faces, and you can record your voice and speed it up or slow it down - so you can sound like Mickey Mouse. I was in level 8 of Super Mario but I flew a plane to level 12 so now I am at the top level. I am going into the world of lava, so I need to put my snorkel on.

I have just come back from my swimming lesson. Today I was practicing backstroke. Yesterday I had the first of 4 collective ski lessons at Schwarzsee. It was good because we practiced going over little hills and cliffs (!!!!) and turning. My teacher is called Super Marius. There is another French speaking girl in my class called Lucy - she is 9 and also speaks French. I am a so called 'little prince' in the Swiss Ski School Advanced class. Next year mum wants to put me in the Schwarzsee ski team as they do competitions and exciting things. I have to do a test to get in. Then I will have to go to practice every Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning.

I am still doing judo on Tuesdays as well, and this summer I would like to start athletics. Mum and dad would like me to learn the piano. Dominique, our neighbour, comes to see me once a week and we practice French and she teaches me new words.

Today it was really cold - minus 3. (Yesterday it was minus 6 at Schwarzsee). I went for a bike ride from Avenches to Faoug - mum and dad walked. Then we went to MacDonalds then we went to see a new Disney Film about Repunzel in French, which was brilliant!

the life of darwin

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