
Mum and I have just been to see the Payerne carnival, which was great. It didn't rain. We met the Thai lady from the pizza restaurant in Corcelles and she threw confetti with us and played with me a lot. The carnival floats were better than ever - very big and creative and funny. And there was a great group of women dancing. The music was also fab - Barbara Streisand and stuff like that. I stood next to a girl with a broken leg and grey paint in her hair and she danced a lot on one leg. I threw a lot of confetti in her face and it was quite hard for her to throw as much back as she had to hold her crutch with one arm. Daddy was watching West Ham play some other team so he didn't come with us.

We have just got back from a week of skiing in Sörenberg in central Switzerland, which was excellent. The snow was good and it was sunny every day. Mostly (easy) red pistes. One brilliant black piste coming down from the Rothorn but that was a busride away from the main ski area. Mum and dad did that.

I went to ski school every day and am officially a red prince, in the advanced group. Most of the children in my class were between 9-11 and quite good skiers. We had a slalom race on Thursday and I came 13th, but all the students ahead of me were older. There were about 35 in the red prince group, all competing together in the slalom. Mum said it would have been better if they had had separate categories for different ages. Anyway I got a great bronze medal and a badge and I was happy with all of that.

I really learnt a lot and I can ski as fast as mummy almost. She has to race to keep up with me most of the time. But I still fall over more! I fell over badly on Thursday and scraped the skin off my chin and split my lip. It's Sunday now and the skin is still all bumpy and red on my chin.

We had a nice apartment to stay in. I watched TV (in German), did my Nintendo, did drawing, and went down to the Rakkalino room to play with the other children and do arts and crafts with them. A guy called Andy looked after us. He used to be a snowboard teacher. Mum cooked in the evenings. We sometimes had lunch in the mountains.

I made a great tool for firing confetti at people at carnivals, which I used today. It works ok but not as well as when you throw a big fistful. Mum says I can use it again next week at the Avenches carnival.

One night we had pizza and did a drawing competition. I was upset my drawing didn't win as it was much harder to colour in than the pictures the other kids did. We had a raclette that night and the parents had to judge which was the best picture. The other parents all spoke German.

In half an hour I'm going to my swimming lesson - looking forward to seeing Maud (whose also in my class at school). I am sad that mummy is going back to work tomorrow but happy that daddy will be here.

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