Sunday 14th April 2013

At last spring has come. The gardens are full of flowers and the sun is shining. A turtle dove is singing the refrain of 'she drives me crazy', a hit from the eighties by Fine Young Cannibals. Mum did turbo weeding yesterday and the grass is covered with little piles of weeds that have not been raked up yet. She was going to dump them in the field next door but then the farmer, Marcel, arrived on the scene to inspect his perimeter fences. He is going to stop dairy farming because his expenses - vets bills etc - were greater than his income last year. He is going to keep chickens instead.

Yesterday me and Yannick went with mummy to the swimming pool in Murten. We jumped off the 3 metre board and did pirouettes in the air. Afterwards mummy and I scootered and daddy rode his bike from home to the cafe in Domdidier. I had a ham croissant with seeds on. Yum. Afterwards I spent the afternoon playing with Yannick. We went for a bike ride, did jumps on our scooters, played a bit of Mario Bros on the Wii and played footie. We played some basketball and said hello to the new puppies at Jean-Bernard's farm.

In the evening we watched 'The Voice' and 'Britain's got Talent'. There was a very good dance group from Holland who told a sad story with mime and dance about a man who met his girlfriend, got married, went to war then died. The dancers made the shape of the church with their bodies, then the wedding car in which they travelled back from the church, then a war plane. It was amazingly good.

I have been on holiday for two weeks. Last week nanny was here and it rained a lot. We went to Neuchatel and visited the botanical gardens then went to the Papiliorama in Kerzers, which was nice and warm. I'm not sure if I like all the bats whizzing around in the Nocturama!

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