Monday April 7th 2008

Hello again. A lot has happened since I last wrote. I visited a dentist for the first time - dad's friend Jostyn - and he said my teeth were nice and clean but they were growing all wonky because of my dummy habit. I went home with daddy and gathered all the dummies together from cars, under beds and other secret places, and ceremoniously snipped the end off each one and threw them away.

That night I banged my head and cried and needed a dummy (which I call dumbo) and there were none to be found. I asked mum to dig them out of the bin and stick them together again but she said she had already taken them to the tip. I think this was the most upset I have ever been. How could I be comforted without my beloved dumbos. No help in sight. I wailed with the misery and desperation of it all.

That was some weeks ago. Since then, I've got used to being without my dumbos and never mention them.

Yesterday daddy and I built the tallest lego tower in the history of mankind. It was as tall as a man. We went to visit the Chateau de Chillon near Montreux on Sunday and we got these neat ipods to listen to. Every time you went in a new room the ipod played music and a lady talked a lot. I didn't really know what she was going on about but the music was ok and there were some good weapons on show and interesting little nooks and crannies to tuck myself into and lots of stairs to climb. But I didn't see any ghosts.

There are monsters in our house. Mummy says she hoovers them up but I believe they are under the bed. In my dream I remembered visiting a special play room with a big electric train in it in the blue school at the end of our road. As I was only about three when we went there, this is proof that children's memories begin when they're about three.

Tonight I made up a really good song about blowing off and biting mummy's nose off (but it grew back again in the song so no harm done) and mummy laughed a lot and said I was funny.

I can now get completely dressed on my own and go to the toilet on my own. I can feed myself and help with chores around the house, especially if it has anything to do with hoovering up monsters. On Saturday I helped mummy mow the lawn by marching next to her with my toy lawn mower as she cut the grass with her big electric mower. Between us we did a good job.Daddy took me swimming at the thermal baths in Yverdon on Saturday and I swam half way across the pool on the surface of the water with no arm bands. Or was it one arm band. I'll have to ask daddy again.

I am mostly good but was naughty on Sunday and kept running away and doing things I was told not to do. When this happens, television privileges are often revoked. On Sunday I had to sit on a 'naughty stair'.

Every night I have a bath with mummy before we go to bed and we play diver guy and rescue helicopter. Mummy's tummy is called the belly button island and the divers sometimes have barbecues on the belly button, where the fire is located. The rescue helicopter has a long rope with a hook on it so we can save little people who fall out of their boats into the turbulant waters of our bath.

Daddy is away in Stans again, working with the army. We miss him. He is trying to get fit ahead of our big holiday in July. We are driving to Croatia, where we will stay for one week. We'll stop on the way in Milan and Venice. And when we come home again we have overnight stays in Slovenia, a place near Venice, and two places near the lakes of Garda and Maggiore. I do not have to get fit for our holiday as mummy says I am a wriggly worm and am never still for more than a minute unless I am watching a very good movie so I burn up lots of energy all the time.

Mummy has been to the hairdressers and now has a dome shaped hairdo like an alien so we call her dome head. I think she won't be going back to that hairdressers. Today she slipped over on a steep hill. She had to meet the lady she was supposed to interview all covered with dirt. Her lip was also cracked and bleeding because of a cold sore and she looked like she had been beaten up, But I always tell her she is beautiful. I learnt that from daddy, who is very clever. I have a special 'sweet' face that I put on to make mummy cuddle me more. She falls for it every time although daddy says my 'sweet' face makes me look weird and that my normal face is much sweeter. What does he know about charming women. Well, quite a lot actually!

I still go to the garderie every morning and my best friends are Romain, Lionel, Leando and Mael. I also play with Merle, who lives in Bern, and Jastyn, who lives in Corcelle. She is silly and funny like me and we had a play date last Friday. We went to the 'bouncy castle' (Laura Park) but she was a bit scared of the big slides and was not as bouncy and climby as me.

Last week we went skiing with our new au pair Liina in Schwarzsee but she had forgotten how to ski so had a few difficulties. The snow was a bit lumpy - not smooth - and sometimes very slushy so it wasn't that great. But mummy said I was good and brave. She says I'm a good little skier.

Liina has very blue eyes and short blonde hair. She is very nice and mummy likes her very much and I do too. She likes heavy metal music and Formula One motor racing.

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