Hi again readers. It is a very cold, snowy day and I have been out sledging with my neighbour, Yannick. Of course, I am much faster and bolder than him but I don't rub it in.
Christmas was fab. Mum and dad have both had a long holiday and we have been having lots of fun, going skiing (2 x in la Berra), visiting the thermal baths at Westside, the Papilorama, walks in the woods and ice skating on the outdoor rink in Estavayer. I have new skiis this year, double the length of the ones I had last year, so it's harder to turn but easier to go very fast. Mum was a bit surprised when I whizzed past her. She says I don't turn enough but what's the point in turning anyway?
Nanny Barbara stayed with us for Christmas and I got some great pressies from Santa, including a sporticus suit, a spider man suit, a big battle ship with attachable boats and harpoons and a shark to catch, lego, books and a giant remote controlled crane. My birthday is next week so I will get presents all over again. Hooray!
On New Year's Eve we went to Lori and Eddy's and I played with Alexander. Even though he is nearly 9 he still plays with me. On New Year's Day we went sledging at Saint Cergue near Nyon, which was good fun. Aunty Marion, my godmother, came over from Berlin and I held her hand in the car and told her she had beautiful hair. She said I was adorable.
We pulled our sledges up a great big hill and went so fast that we made it half way up the hill on the other side. Mum and dad bought a new sledge with three blades or whatever they're called but dad says it is too hard to control and that I should stick to my old yellow sledge instead. So that's what I used today at Yannick's.
Back to the garderie tomorrow and I'm looking forward to seeing my old friends, Romain and Leandro. I have a Thomas the Tank book for Leandro - late Christmas present. I go to the blue school next week on Tuesday afternoon AND (new) Friday afternoon.
On Friday afternoon Claire (my half sister) and Chloe (my niece although she is 3 and I am only 4!!!) are flying to Geneva and they will stay with us for a whole week at the chalet we have hired in Villars. Skiing and sledging every day, WAHEY. Alexander and his mum and dad will also stay at Villars on the 10/11 so we will celebrate my birthday up there together.
Mummy and daddy are a bit sick. Mum has a tummy bug and dad has sinus problems and is very tired as he didn't sleep well. That is why Liina is taking me to the bouncy castle after sledging, and not mum or dad. But they still play with me and feed me even when they are sick, which is nice of them! I think I get less tickled when they are sick.
darwin - 4. Jan, 16:02
After I had a bath tonight I happened to glance in the mirror and notice that my hair style is really rubbish. Romain, my best mate, has a great quiffy kind of style and I would like to have hair like his. Mummy says I can shape it any way I like with a bit of hair gel so I may ask Liina to help me change my look in the morning. This is very important now that I am nearly 5.
Romain came to play with me after the garderie and he wolfed his food down in about a second flat. He went off and played with lego and came back ten minutes later and I was still ploughing through my fish fingers. Mum says I am a slow eater - and that this is a good thing (mostly). I think I am completely normal and everyone else is not normal.
Dad came back from Pakistan last Saturday and gave me a fantastic red painted Pakistan bus with bells all round the bottom. This is now my circus bus. A clown, a shark and a plastic man in a uniform travel around in the bus and stop when they feel like it to put on circus shows. They can do tightrope and juggling the shark and lots of acrobatic stuff.
There is a playmobile caravan with a family in it that follows the red bus, and when the performers stop to put on a show, the mummy in the caravan also stops and gets her garden chairs out. They even have plates for their picnic but the knives have gone missing, as well as the table top.
I am now quite good at drawing crocodiles. I like to draw pictures with fire and lots of boulder throwing. I go to the blue school down the road every Tuesday afternoon and mostly play with Yannick, my neighbour. I keep getting invited to birthday parties but don't always know who is inviting me. They are all boys at the blue school but I don't know their names.
The last party was last Saturday. It started out badly and ended badly. I had a fight with a girl over a toy, then she hid in a room with other children and they shut me out. I had to bust my way in then she cried a lot and I wasn't sure why. Matteo, whose party it was, did not play with me. I just played with Yannick. There was no food, just some yukky cake, and I couldn't wait for mummy to pick me up again.
The garderie is good. I still go every morning (weekdays) and my best friends there are Romain and Leandro. Last Friday I went to Leandro's for a play date and it was great becasue he had Disney TV and a big fossil collection with dynasaur eggs. But then on Monday at the garderie I got into trouble because I told Leandro's mum, Liza, who works there, that she was silly. It was because she was trying to make me put away the toys and I didn't want to. I had to sit on the naughty chair. Again.
darwin - 19. Nov, 21:23
We have a little cat called Looky who is very sweet and follows us around the house at a gallop, then hides and jumps out at us at the top of the stairs. During the day time she curls up on my bed a lot, when she is not throwing her little mouse in the air and attacking us like a real tiger. Mummy says she does smelly blow offs but it's just me pretending the cat did it.
Mum told me to wash my hands when I touched the cats outside as I didn't know what might be wrong with them. I told her I knew what was wrong with them.
"How do you know?", she asked.
"See my doctor's coat and my stethoscope over there", I said, pointing. "That's how I know - I'm a doctor".
"Ah yes, but it takes more than a coat and a stethoscope to be a doctor. You need to go to university and study for years", said mummy.
"Well while you weren't looking I secretly went to University with my friend Romain, and studied medicine".
"Ahh, I see" she said, and gave me a big cuddle.
Today they had an open day at the national breeding centre for horses in Avenches, so they had free pony rides, and rides in a horse drawn carriage, and a place where you could play in the hay. All the hay stacks were piled up on top of eachother so you could climb up to the top and throw hay down on the people below. It was brilliant.
Mummy and daddy were very tired because I had a tummy ache last night and had to keep going to the loo so they kept coming out to take care of me. Mummy said I could drink coca cola today and eat salty biscuits to make me better, which was yummy. But I'm not allowed to have coke after I get better as it has lots of sugar in it and is bad for my teeth. I don't want them to go black and fall out like people's did in the olden days.
I started going to the Kindergarten up the road on 28th August. I got a new bag for my school stuff, and a new painting gown and some batman shoes for gymnastics. I go to school with my neighbours Fanny and Yannick, who are now five. We play pirate games and do drawing and I like it a lot but it's only one afternoon a week so I still go to the garderie in St Aubin every morning as well. My best friends Romain and Leandro go there too. I like Batman a lot and have Batman clothes and a Spiderman bag - oh and Superman pyjamas with a cape. But Batman is my favourite at the moment.
I love mummy and daddy a lot and told mummy yesterday that I would still love her when she was old and that I never wanted to leave her.
darwin - 27. Sep, 20:47
Daddy has been away for ages now in Africa and mummy says he is coming back in a week but that might as well be a month as I am not sure what a week is.
I am very tired because I keep getting up at around 5.30 or 6, so mummy put me to bed at 7.15 tonight and I missed my favorite TV show 'Charlie and Lola' , which was tragic. Today I met my friend Jastyn at the Lora Park and I kept forgetting we were supposed to be doing stuff together, and ran off on my own to the opposite end of the park. Mummy had to keep reminding me to try to stay with her but she was scared of doing all the normal stuf I do and I begin to wonder what it is exactly that girls are made of!
While pretending to spend a long time going to the toilet, I filled the nearlly empty soap dispenser with water so that the soap was watered down but the bottle was full up. Mummy did not welcome this with the enthusiasm I had expected. I also stuffed lots of things in the plug hole, like tissue paper, a bit of bark I found on the floor and other small things that were in the bin. These all fitted into the plug hole very nicely but mummy did not discover my dam making until after I had gone to bed, and then had to fish it all back out again as the water couldn't drain away any more.
Tomorrow we are going to make flowers out of clay and make them hard in the microwave. We also have some nice coloured paper to make pictures as it is more fun sticking stuff on paper than drawing on it.
I am going through a phase of talking a lot about people dying, and am very fascinated by women's bosoms. The phase of talking about poo poo all the time has now almost passed. I have agreed with mum that we no longer have to tell poo poo stories when I actually go for a poo, although I will miss the tales about poos in space, poos going on balloon rides and going surfing.
darwin - 11. Jul, 21:39
Thought I would experiment with breakfast by pouring apple juice into the cereal milk but it wasn't that nice so I didn't eat the rest of my cocoa pops.
Went to the garderie as usual and made sausage rolls. Romain made a nice picture of a star and gave it to me for my bedroom. Then mummy picked us up - she had made a picnic for us, which we ate in the car on the way to the Teufelsee in Studen. It was brilliant. There were lots of new climbing frames. We fed the goats with popcorn, went on the train, cycled to see the zebras, bounced on the outside trampoline, ate ice creams and laughed a lot.
Romain is my best mate. When I told him my granddad had died, he said he had three granddads and that I could borrow one of his! I got into trouble for throwing a bottle at mum while she was driving. She imposed a partial TV ban for the evening and I spent the rest of the journey home begging for full TV rights to be restored until the threat of a total TV ban was hanging in the air. Then I shut up.
When we got home, mummy cut the lawn and I got my John Deer tractor outfit on and drove my tractor around, picking up the weeds and other assorted important things to pick up and put in my trailer. When I noticed that a pipe was sticking out of the lawn, I started tearing up the grass and replanting it over the pipe, to hide it. For some reason mum was not too happy about this. I was only trying to help.
I was then shocked to see Gaby smoking a cigarette. I told him he would die just like his dog Goliath had died. Although Goliath didn't smoke, as far as I can remember.
Later on in the bath, I put mummy's shampoo in my hair to save her the bother of shampooing me. She thought it was funny because I forgot to make my hair wet first. I have exzema on my feet and mum has to rub cream in at night. Daddy also has that on his feet. He is still in Africa and we miss him.
Liina now has brown hair. A man came to fix her tv to a satellite dish yesterday so she can now watch BBC and ITV in her room. Liina found a bat on the curtains in daddy's office this week but she wasn't girly about it. She said it was quite sweet and put it in a box then emptied it out onto a tree in the garden. We saw a deer the other day in a field in the next village, Russy.
darwin - 4. Jul, 23:07