Monday, 20. July 2009

Monday 20th July, 2009

My first tooth came out. Mum said that if I put it under my pillow the tooth fairy would come and give me money. But then I lost it again. Mum's friend Carla was visiting and she said her boy, David, also had a fallen out tooth that he lost but that they wrote a letter to the tooth fairy explaining how they lost it and the tooth fairy still gave him money. My mum said that in Switzerland they are stricter. It's not enough to write a letter because they need the actual tooth for their collections. So I looked for it again and found it. And the tooth fairy came and gave me a whole big five francs, which I am now saving to buy a skateboard.

Mummy asked me if I had seen the tooth fairy. I said "yes" and she asked me what it looked like. I said it had a white hat and looked like Bon Jovi. It also carried two guitarres. She asked, "Was it playing 'Living on a Prayer'", which is a Bon Jovi hit, and I said yes. And we all laughed a lot.

I mentioned earlier that Carla came to stay for the weekend with her husband Jonathan, little David - 6- and Rafael, who is also five. We had a treasure hunt on Saturday, which took us all around the house, then we went to the butterfly sanctuary. On Sunday we went to Avenches Plage for breakfast and played on the beach. David and me did naughty climbing things. He climbed the scaffolding around the house, and together we climbed into the loft, even after we were told not to. The parents weren't too chuffed about that. David is cool but we get shouted at a lot when we play together. Rafael cried and said I pulled his hair. David said I did not pull his hair. Mummy will never know the truth.

The visit ended with Rafael coming out in spots all over and having to go to the doctor. It was some kind of pox but not harmful. I did not get those spots.

Recently mum and me went to Scotland to see the Loch Ness monster and visit some old University friends - Olly, Reiko and their children, Max, Alex and Rachie. Then there was Mark and Dom, Ryan, and his sisters and Barry and his boy Harry and John and Valerie and their children Thomas Henry and Genna. We stayed in a big house like a castle. The other kids were older than me but they were quite nice to me anyway, especially Gena and Alex and Thomas Henry.

Mum and I shared a bed and she said she couldn't sleep because I kept climbing on top of her.

We went to the beach and to the Loch Ness museum and to a great castle with lots of walls to scale. And we went in a gorge where they filmed Harry Potter and dropped big stones into the void and they made a big echoing splashy noise when they smacked the water. We pretended we had seen the loch ness monster but we didn't really.

After that we flew back to London and stayed with nanny and Ben. We went to the natural history museum and saw loads of dinosaurs and bugs. Uncle Steve and Carla arrived from Canada and we visited nanny Bance in London and went to lunch with her. The next day we went to the Science Museum and saw the Wallace and Grommit exhibition. We had some ideas for new inventions. Mum's was a relaxing bed that gives you massages and lets out relaxing aromas. Mine was for a rock throwing robot. We put our ideas in for a competition!

We also went to watch an IMAX 3D film about ancient monsters under the sea, which came up to you and nearly bit your head off. That was really good. But I don't much like wearing those silly glasses.

Nanny is very nice and sweet. She went to a big effort ton get me an HRH armed forces soldier like an action man but then I left it in Scotland. Mummy is trying to get it back. Ben is great because he plays with me a lot and doesn't mind if I drag him around and boss him around. Steve and Carla are also good fun. I would like to go and visit them in Canada and see the bears. Steve gave me a compas, which I wear on my belt and use all the time.

Wednesday, 24. June 2009

Wednesday 24th June, 2009

Mummy's friend Carla came from America to live in Switzerland, with her husband Jonathan and two little boys - David and Rafael - so we went to see them at aunty Lori's house and say hello. They were staying there until they could move into their rented house. David is 6 (nearly 7) and Rafael is only just 5. We had great fund running around in the garden.

We wanted to get Alexander's rabbit and guinea pig out of their cages but couldn't get the cages open, so I grabbed a baseball bat to take a swing at them, and Carla shouted at me. Eventually we got the animals out and took them up into the tree house, but mummy made us give them back and put them back in the cages. Little bunny was very scared and went all stiff. Mummy put it back in the wrong cage with the big rabbit and when Alexander got back he was very cross because he said the big bunny could have attacked the little one. We were a bit surprised as the bunnies next door to us live in happy harmony and do not attack each other, even though there are big ones and little ones mixed together.

Lori came back late and mum had to wait to have dinner with her or else she would have been angry. So all the other children went to bed and I had to wait until mummy had had dinner to leave so it was 10.30 when I got to bed at the studio we hired in Divonne. Mummy said she didn't sleep well as I turned upside down and kicked her in the face.

The next morning we went back to see Carla and the boys. We grabbed the animals again and took them up the slide. I was just about to put the little bunny down the slide when mummy arrived and took it off me and told us all off again. Alexander said we weren't supposed to touch the animals.

Then we put a ladder up the cherry tree and Rafael wouldn't let me go up there with him. Instead he threw all the unripe cherries on the ground until mummy told him not to because Eddie would prefer them to ripen on the tree and not get trodden on on the ground. So we got into trouble a lot. Then Rafael and I played hiding and whispering games.

Yes I like David and Rafael very much. they are my kind of guys.

Mummy took Jonathan to the airport so he could pick up a hired car, then raced home from Cessy to get me to school but school was closed and she was cross because she had driven too fast for nothing. Went to lego club later. Mark is nice to the children and lets us make whatever we want and build tracks for the electric lego trains.

Last Friday we had our school outing to Estavayer. We were very excited about going on the school bus. In Estavayer we went to the frog museum where real frogs are stuffed with sand!

On Saturday we went to a mini steam locomotive festival in Bouveret. we got the boat from Montreux to Bouveret. I hoped that David and Rafael would show up but they went later. The place was like a mini Switzerland with castles and villages with shops and restaurants - but all dead small. We had a few rides on the trains and ate pancakes in the village. It was great.

On Sunday we went cycling with tall Tim and Heidi and their baby Evie. She is very sweet and good.It was good cycling until it rained on the way home and that was a bit yukky but not cold. Daddy said I didn't cycle very much on my back bike, which attaches to his bike, so he was quite tired out. Mummy was slower than us.

On Tuesday at school lots of people had birthdays so they got presents from the maîtresse and we had a fun afternoon but I can't remember what we did.

Today we had our garderie outing to the woods. Valerie drove us in a bus. The place where we went in the woods had two swings and a slide and we had our snack at picnic tables under a big wooden roof. Then I came home and bounced on my trampoline but a bee was trapped under the blue flap and I was worried about getting stung. I told mummy I rescued it and put it in a flower, but in fact it died with a slow shaking of the legs.

Mummy read me a story about a giant who had a pet worm and could do divining with two sticks but I wasn't really sure what the divining was all about. Couldn't get to sleep. I'm sure there were monsters in the room. Then I saw a spider. Well I thought I did.

Tomorrow mummy is off and she said she'd take me to the Märli Pinta for lunch in Kerzers (where you can eat and play a lot) but when I couldn't get to sleep and kept getting out of bed she got cross and said she wasn't going to take me to the MP after all and I said I didn't want to go anyway! Daddy is away in Stans. He rings to talk to me every day and I ask him when he is coming home and he says in 20 days, which is a long time and we get sad together but he always makes me laugh again.

Now where's that monster?

Monday, 25. May 2009

Monday 25th May, 2009

It is bedtime but mum has let me draw a picture, because she promised to let me earlier and a promise may not be broken.

We got back from England on Saturday after a 4 day stay with nanny. Liina was also there to look after me, in case I ran away and nanny couldn't catch me! I am pretty fast. Mummy was working in London, making a film. Daddy was away teaching in Stans.

Nanny and Liina took me to an IMAX film about sea life and there were lots of fish and sharks and whales rushing all over the place and eating each other in front of my goggles. It was a bit scary at first but I got used to it.

We went to the South Bank for a kids activity event but we were a bit early and the event hadn't really started. There was only clay modelling and I didn't want to do that as there were too many children there. The day before we went to the transport museum which was great as you could climb up in the carriages, and we saw the musicians in Covent Garden but I thought they were a bit boring.

It was difficult to get to sleep at nanny's so sometimes I crept downstairs right after they put me to bed. Nanny caught me once and asked me why I was out of bed. I said "I had a nightmare about monsters". She said, "That's not possible as you only just went to bed". I said, "Well it was a day dream with monsters in it!"

I have two wobbly teeth. Five of Romain's teeth have already dropped out

Yesterday we went to the Papillorama but it was 30 degrees outside and even hotter inside so we nearly melted. The animals seemed to like it hot. Or maybe they liked the fact that there was no one there as they were all walking about quite quickly and normally they hide.

Saturday, 2. May 2009

Saturday 2 May, 2009

I have just taken mummy and daddy for a walk along the path we use when we go for a walk at the garderie. There are chickens and nice houses and swings. I had my Bob the Builder umbrella as it was a bit rainy. We had to get back in time for Chunggington on CBeebies but when we got back it wasn't on - Space Pirates was on instead and I don't like that so much. Me and mum had a bath with lots of bubbles and we each had a plastic crocodile and had to guess where the crocodile would pop up through the bubbles. Mummy's crocodile seemed to cheat as it never popped up where I thought it would.

Mum and dad bought me a fantastic trampoline because it was in the sale at Aldi. Angie, the mate I played with the other day, also has one and it is super bouncy and has a special net around it so you can't fall off. I can't wait to put it up but today it was too rainy. Maybe tomorrow. Dad says it won't take 5 minutes. Maybe that means it will take five and a half minutes!

Mummy wants to cycle to the spring fair in Murten and have lunch there tomorrow, but it depends on the weather. Daddy is getting fit and doesn't eat fatty food and does lots of cycling. I also do lots of cycling but I also eat ice cream.

Saturday, 21. March 2009

Saturday March 21st, 2009

Hello. It is sunny today and very cold. Mummy wanted to go skiing as it is the end of the season - lifts close at the end of March - snow is great, and we won't be able to go many more times. I said I wanted to go...then I said I didn't want to go...then I said I did want to go again. But by that time I decided for the second time that I did want to go, we had already told daddy we were going for a walk in the woods near Neuchâtel and going for lunch in the centre afterwards, and he was excited about that idea. So we couldn't then turn round and disappoint him.

Last weekend we went to Paris. It was nanny Barbara's birthday treat as she was seventy on March 7th. I'm not sure how old seventy is but I think it's a bit older than mummy and daddy. I shared a bedroom with nanny Barbara, which was great as she was really quiet and didn't snore at all. I said I loved her a lot but loved her even more when she gave me presents.

We visited the Eifel tower. I knew what it looked like already because I'd seen it in Superman 2. Superman saved Lois Lane, who was stuck in the lift. The lift was broken and was shooting very fast down the tower. I was a bit disappointed that the lift we went in did not go in the middle of the tower but up the front left leg, and it wasn't fast at all and it didn't break off and fall down the lift shaft very quickly like in the film. Also, no sign at all of Superman. Or Lois Lane. And we had to queue up for a whole hour to get on the lift. I did balancing tricks on the barriers and stared at the other children, but we did not speak to eachother. Only eyeballing. When we got up high we could see the whole of Paris. And some pigeans that were pooing.

We went on lots of trips on the boat but sometimes we had to wait for a bit. Mummy said the timetable was wrong so the boats did not come at the times we expected from the programme they gave us on the boat. There were lots of big bridges with carved lions heads and ugly faces that mummy said were gargoyles.

Paris was lovely but I got told off in the Champs y lysee for running away. I wanted to go on top of the Arc de Triumph but daddy said no. We went a long way on the underground train and mummy told me not to make comments about fat people or people with things wrong with their faces. On the day we flew home we played in the Jardins de Tuileries and had a croque monsieur. I like them. So did I like Paris? Yes.

Today we are invited to evening meal at Lisa and Heinz's in Muntelier near Murten. They have a nice big house and I like playing with Angie, their daughter, who is the same age as me. She has a sister called Lexi. Last summer we played at Angie's by the river and mummy was so busy trying to stop us falling in that she fell in herself. That was very funny.

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