Monday, 12. April 2010

Monday April 12th, 2010

The big news is that while I was at the gym, I accidentally banged Simon on the head and my wobbly front tooth fell out (on the left if you're facing me) so now I have a big gap. Simon was not hurt but I was. Mum wrapped my tooth up like a parcel with a little ribbon and put it under my pillow and I was trying to work out how a little tiny fairy could lift the big pillow with my heavy head on it if she is so small. Mum says she has special fairy powers. I am hoping for 5 francs and have toys in mind for that money!

Mummy has made me a picture of a dinosaur and I am going to show it at school tomorrow.

Yesterday we went for a long nature walk and found a giant dead fish on the beach, which I poked with a stick and pushed back out into the lake of Murten. Mum thinks it was a hecht.

Last weekend we went to England and stayed with nanny, which is always great. She very kindly gave me a new parachuting soldier, which I throw up in the air and he floats down all on his own. He is smartly dressed in a blue uniform with a red stripe. Mummy also gave me a very cool Ben Ten t-shirt, which I wear all the time. It was Easter and the Easter bunny came. He gave me a Star Wars and a Ben Ten easter egg. Mega cool.

Got to see nanny Flood, who was nice and laughed a lot, and Joy and Rob, my uncle and aunty. Went for spag bol - YUM - and a walk near the river where there were lots of barges and two play parks and me and Joy and mummy played hide and seek in a maze but Joy and mummy could not find me as I hid under the bushes.

Ben and I made sweet music together. I played the accordion and he played the guitarre. But mum took the accordian off me when all the buttons got stuck in on one side and she had to fish them out again. On good Friday mum and nanny went to a spa and me and dad went to the London Aquarium which was cool, but we had to queue up a lot. I saw a real huge shark with lots of sharp teeth.

Marina was still away in Croatia on Tuesday and Wednesday so first daddy then mummy stayed home to look after me. Dad played with me in the garden then we went for a bike ride in Murten. Mum took me and Yannick swimming. Me and Yannick kept boinging mummy on the head with a giant beach ball we found. It was brilliant.

Sunday, 7. March 2010

Sunday 7th March 2010

It's nanny Barbara's birthday today and we send her big birthday kisses and hope she has a lovely day.

It is very cold and snowy outside. Daddy went to the shop at the end of the road to buy some bread and we had boiled eggs and dippy soldiers, my favourite.

Yesterday we discovered a new climbing centre in Salaveaux called Gecko with loads of different walls and I climbed right to the top of all the walls I tried, even though they were a bit difficult. A nice man called Yves told me what to do. But I was a bit naughty yesterday as I was opening all the doors and touching things I was not supposed to toch and pulling the ropes down from the rings in the ceiling when noone was looking and mummy and daddy were cross with me.

Later today, Angie and Lexi are in a parade and I would like to go and watch. It's Murten carnival but it it very cold to stay outside for long.

Last week Angie and I went to a climbing wall in a school in Faoug near Murten. We both had two climbs but we were a bit naughty in between and I was dragging children around on a big trailer with a belt on it and mummy told me to stop. Then I wrote my name very largely in the visitors' book and put a big tail on the G of George which went to the bottom of the page and mum was cross about that and had to apologise to the nice old man who ran the course. I bet he hopes we don't come back next week but we probably will.

Next week I am going to have a go at judo - on Tuesday night in Avenches. On Satiurday I have swimming lessons at Avenches pool and that's fun. On Wednesdays I go to gymnastics with Yannick, my neighbour and best friend. I like my new au pair a lot. Her name is Marina and she is from Croatia. She is very kind to me all the time. She always tells mummy that I have been good every day but mummy does not know if this is true.

When I am naughty at school the little fish goes down through different layers of sea into the red area, where there's larva. Then you have to stay there for a week and you don't get to play with your friends for one break. Me and William and Lucia have been in the red a few times. But my school friends love me and think I am very funny.

Sunday, 24. January 2010

Sunday January 24th, 2010

It's 2010 and I am six. Mummy expects me now to tie my own laces, which is incredibly difficult. We have a new au pair from Croatia called Marina - she is lovely and friendly and keeps the house really tidy and plays batman and robin with me. When we ask her how much she likes something it is always 60:40 or 50:50 but sometimes also 100%. Today we all went to the Papilliorama and I was very pleased to show her around and explain a few things.

So it's a long time since I've written. Christmas was a blast (except dad was sick and nanny trod on the back of her slipper and landed flat on her face so she went home with a black eye). Dad had flu and had to go to the emergency clinic on Christmas Day - he was coughing so much that mum thought he might have pneumonia. He had a chest x-ray and they didn't find anything. I got some great presents. A hot wheels track and other cool stuff including a fantastic spider man t-shirt from Uncle Rob and Aunty Joy and a volcano you build and make explode with baking powder and vinegar. And a pop up geography book.

My birthday was even better. We had my party at the Bouncy Castle and all my school mates came and gave me really cool presents. I got a spider man toy and a great kind of garage with tracks, some spy glasses, videos and a great digital watch from Angie. Angie was sick and went home early but everyone else bounced a lot.

I had a small fight with William and ended up biting him a bit because he hurt my leg. Mum said that was wrong of me so I made her stop by William's house on the way home from the bouncy castle so I could apologise and thank him for his fantastic present. He went to shake my hand but my glove wasn't on properly so he shook my empty glove fingers, which was funny and we all laughed. His dad keeps exotic birds in a shed with no window.

School is ok. I like my teacher Vera. She told mum I had to make more of an effort at French lessons and had to be quicker at getting ready for stuff. I do my best. Mum has her first parent teacher meeting on February 5th and will find out if I have been good. I think I have been very good indeed and deserve lots of pocket money and gifts. Yannick laughs at me because I go to French lessons but daddy says I will have the last laugh because I speak English as well as French, am good at skiing and swimming and drawing and am also very clever.

We have a star system and if I am good for a week in a row I can get pocket money. Mum didn't give it to me this weekend, although I have been generally good, because we went to Scwharzsee skiing yesterday and I followed another little boy over a cliff. Well he seemed to know what he was doing. I didn't get hurt or anything but mummy was very worried and said I should not go over cliffs unless she is with me. So I did not get my pocket money.

Found out the other day that I can start swimming lessons in Avenches in February. And great news - my friend Simon is going too. I am already a really good swimmer so it shouldn't be too hard for me. It's on Sundays. I am a member of the lantern club and with this special card I have, get to go to the cinema on Wednesday afternoons with children my age. The next film is about monkeys. I really like monkeys. Especially Curious George. When I go to bed, I cuddle my little monkey that grandad gave me. He is a cheeky little fellow and has parties during the daytime when we are not at home.

Monday, 7. September 2009

Monday 7th September 2009

Our holiday on Milos was lovely. Nanny came too. We stayed in a big apartment and there was a swimming pool and a rather fat boy from next door who spoke English made friends with me but when he jumped in all the water jumped out and sometimes he picked me up and threw me in. His name was Costa and his mum was a nurse from Ghana. She was really friendly and kind. There were some little kittens and we gave them milk but once the mummy bit me so the owner of the apartments shooed her away. That lady thought I was lovely and she cried when we left.

We went to the beach every night to look for crabs in the rock pools. Mummy found some giant crabs claws but they crumbled up in her pocket. Sometimes we went to a cocktail bar for breakfast but the owner was grumpy in the mornings.

It was quite windy there where we were staying. We ate lots of fish and went to lots of different beaches. My favourite one was at Paleochori and there was volcanic activity so warm bubbles came out f the sand. Daddy bought some cheap films like Ice Age 3 and Night at the Museum and we watched them on the little DVD player. I started eating tomatoes. I like them now.

We visited museums and went on a boat trip to another island with a ruined castle called a castro. While we were sitting on a wall on Kimolos a nice lady came out and brought us a glass of water. The Greek people were so kind to us. We also went to Plaka, the capital, and walked up to the highest point where there was also a castro.

Since I have been back from holidays the carpenters have built a fantastic tree house in the walnut tree and I go there every day and play lego and cars. I go to kindergarten every morning and Monday and Thursday afternoons. There is lego club next door to school on Friday nights and Mark is the boss. He has big train lines and electric lego trains whizzing around villages made of lego. It's brilliant.

Angie was 6 last Saturday and I went to her birthday party but I was the only boy and got a bit lonely so Heinz looked after me and let me watch Tom and Jerry. I still love Angie. She got down out of the trampoline and gave me a cuddle when I arrived.

On Sunday we met up with Carla and Jonathan and their children David and Rafael at Lori's place in Cessy. This time we did not take the bunnies down the slide and we didn't wreck anything but we did throw apples at each other and Rafael got hurt and cried like a baby. Alexander had a really cool trick kite and we went to a big football field and tried to fly it but it wasn't windy enough. I like all those boys a lot and wish we could move to France so I could play with them all the time.

We are going to the movies to watch Laurel on Hardy next Wednesday. I saw them on the telly in Greece.

I miss Milos and the lovely time we had there, playing and drawing and making sandcastles and swimming with my little surf board. It was warm all the time.

Friday, 31. July 2009

Friday 31st July 2009

Nanny is here - hooray - and we are going to Greece tomorrow on holiday so we have to wake up extra early. Went to Avenches Plage today and built sandcastles and paddled and had a picnic. Some little boys threw sand at me so I jumped on the biggest one - who was double my size - and told him to pack it in. Noone messes with George Darwin Flood-Hunt. Our house has been painted and has a new roof and it all looks fantastic. Mum has been growing giant vegetables so we have had to eat a lot of courgettes lately. First carrots were picked today. Yum. But I still prefer crisps.

the life of darwin

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